
Another Chrome Tab Essay

April 16th, 2024 at 5:23PM

Hello everyone, I am sitting around within the classroom, specifically English I. I guess I should just make another blog post via Chrome tabs because I don't really have anything else to do as of now. I am actually pretty surprised at how bad the system is now, we just had to do PowerUp as usual for 15 minutes. During this time I was reading the Bible and barely paying attention to PowerUp, if this were another class with someone who actually enforced the rules then I would expect to not even be allowed to read that or get away with reading in general.

With a 110WPM typing speed, I can kinda just type this rather easily even though the teacher is currently speaking. Currently a monologue about English I's state-testing is being said, which I'm essentially entirely ignoring. I don't really care that much about HS considering the fact I could just get a GED at 16-18, I'll have to check my state's laws. However, I do love being able to waste a decent amount of time here.

Great, I accidentally pressed ENTER then it sent it as a Google search. I'll get back the results and just copy the text from there in next hour, but basically yea its BS. I hate the fact that you have to do stuff like this to actually get around the rules, and its just a very annoying and inefficient way overall. However, since it gets me out of having to actually try and I can just sit back, relax, and do whatever, I'll take it over nothing.

If they start blocking New Tabs in GoGuardian sessions next then I'm going to be very mad about that. I don't think they would, if they even can do so, but still. For kids who go to school in 2024 (and especially beyond) as I do at this moment in time, I'd highly recommend you try to get yourself your own laptop. If you know where to look, you can get one that is realistic to carry that is around $20-$50 at least in the US. It'll be older, but no one will steal it because it'll be older and you can just run Linux on it to make it load at an actually reasonable speed. You'll need to carry your school-computer and your non-school computer, but you'd only need to use your school-computer for assignments/tests where you're not allowed to use your own computer or where it's so vastly easier that you might as well do it.

Another note about using your own computer, if you encrypt your files via GPG keys then you're going to be even more ahead of everyone else. As long as the police can't get your private-key, they can't decrypt the files. Also, you can create multiple private GPG-keys and you can use GPG/PGP-encryption with emails too.

I'm unable to tell you how bad your school system is, but mine is so terrible that I don't think they'd understand how to even get onto my laptop if I encrypted it, let alone through all the files (plus, I'd know how to use different keys and then just wouldn't have them with me so that way they couldn't do a thing to me, since no matter how much they ask for it I wouldn't have the private-key with me and could even hide it with friends). I'm almost convinced that at least one of the police/other federal agent officers that were placed at the school are just diversity hires, aka affirmative action. Mainly due to a recent situation with one.

So apparently a room was believed to have had weed, and at the end of PE everyone got searched. However, despite everyone having pockets (especially myself), they only searched the school-bags. Also, you could tell just by the voice that she was far from professional. She talked as many idiots would sound, could barely string a word together properly. I shall not name, as I have standards for privacy even for feds/police, but let's not pretend the last person I'd hire would be someone who decides to only search bags (despite kids being able to theoretically hide weed on them) and can barely string words together.

I'm sure they have to hire certain kinds of people purely to look good, but come on, was this the best you can get? My state doesn't forbid checking pockets during school searches, even if they did who was going to enforce it? No one there was recording outside maybe school-cameras, but you know well that they won't give the footage if not doing so would help them out. It amazes me you can "talk lik diz maan cuz u iz a kang o' queen" and then somehow get into college and become a police officer. The average student is enough proof alone to show there's something wrong with the school-system, yet they somehow manage to fail more. A few students failing here and there isn't proof the entire system sucks, but when the vast majority of the students are essentially failing (maybe not on the system, but on logic and reason), you can tell the system sucks.

I wouldn't call it a good education an education that keeps you as an idiot who lacks common sense, gets you in 30-60k of debt from college, and is now a slave to consoomerism. Why have a degree to make a bit more money if you have to pay WAY more off slowly, at least since the average person probably won't pay it back until old age. Even if you do, thats still wasted money y'know? Might as well just work my way up to the top with no degree or anything, 30k yearly with no debt is WAY better than even 90k yearly with so much debt that you'll take forever to pay off.

What has this post become? Idk, and I'm now in next hour so I'm going to end off the post. I'll need to think on this way more before saying anything else, but uhhh tldr the fall of society is caused by the uwu owo feds and industrial society + mass-consoomerism.
chrome-tab.html soon? Not sure, we'll see. Also I'm on Genesis 27 right now.


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